People living with T1D

INPACT is the INNODIA community of people and families living with type 1 diabetes representing all possible generations, genders, ethnicities, citizenships, residences, ages of disease onset, types of disease management, …. All people interested in entering the INNODIA community will gain a basic set of competencies to become certified associates of INPACT. Associates may function as consultants, ambassadors, business developers, or any professional that can be impactful for INNODIA.

Discover the INPACT Manifesto

Our INPACT Associates on a map

Look at the map to discover the updated geographical location of our INPACT Associates: the community of people living with Type 1 Diabetes who underwent the INNODIA certification programs.

INPACT Associates MAP


Membership program


Our community is growing! 

If you are a person living with type 1 diabetes and you are interested in joining us as an INPACT associate, you can sign in by filling out the registration form

For any additional questions, don't hesitate to reach out!

Contact us


Stakeholders and our INPACT community

All other stakeholders interested to include people and families living with type 1 diabetes into your decision making process:

CTA interested in including PWD and fam in your decision making process